What we offer

W.I.P.E. Community

Increase your access to global capital by connecting with female funders and founders through our online network, events, masterclasses, and pitching sessions


We bring to you industry group events to steer and advance your career journey with a wise peer group, facilitated by an industry expert.


With WIPE, get a chance to pitch your ideas to us as we help you build a solid business plan and connect you with global funds for fundraising.

Social Media Management and Influencer Marketing (Linkedin)

Entrepreneurs tend to sometimes undermine the value of network capital and hence social media presence. However, in order to create a multiplier effect for your enterprise, brand elevation (of both, the entrepreneur and the enterprise), is not just a value add but a necessity.


For instance, if you’re a SaaS entrepreneur, you must be exhibited as a SaaS expert. How can that be done? By posting extremely well researched and carefully curated SaaS content on LinkedIn. If you want to be identified as a business leader, we assist you with content on evolving management strategies and case studies in your field of work.


Build your personal brand and learn to lever it to unleash your social capital which has the potential for an exponential growth.

Women Centric Recruitment Services

At WIPE, we are creating a unique and growing network of the world’s leading women investors and founders that we hope will help aspirational women founders to dream bigger.


  • Candidate sourcing
  • Candidate screening
  • Candidate placement


Overall, the goal is to help businesses and organizations find top women talent that is well-suited for their open positions, thus saving them time and resources in the hiring process.